BASIN 2016 Wrap Up

BASIN 2016

This year, BASIN was free for campers; funded by a combination of sources including GiveNola Day and the Harrah’s Community Grant Program via Councilmembers Guidry, Williams, and Ramsey. BASIN took place at Sojourner Truth Neighborhood Center for 6 weeks from 3:00-5:00PM, in conjunction with a NORDC day-camp.

BASIN hosted 12 green sector speakers and 4 offsite field trips including the Lafitte Greenway, Broad St. pumping station, and the ReFresh Project. The camp maintained a 4:1 or better student to teacher ratio and provided two snacks a day. BASIN culminated in a camper-led final presentation for parents and community members and a canoe trip to Bayou Cane with Canoe & Trail Adventures.   


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