Blog Archives

Reduce Your Lawn Day

Posted on by UC Admin featured FYI Program Manager Emily Snyder in their post about the Inaugural Reduce Your Lawn Day, a national effort from American Meadows where homeowners pledge to change their turf lawn into pollinator habitats. This year, the program’s first, saw … Continue reading

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BASIN Campers on WWLTV!

Posted on by Dana Eness

Our BASIN summer campers took the “Living with Water is fun” message to the evening news, painting rain barrels with Green Light New Orleans. Watch UC’s BASIN summer campers paint rain barrels. This clip accompanied the following story announcing the launch of the … Continue reading

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Mayor Cantrell Addresses Flood Risk, Mentions UC

Posted on by UC Admin

Mayor LaToya Cantrell: New Orleans drainage projects have ‘been on hold far too long’ By Kevin Litten | | The Times-Picayune New Orleans Mayor LaToya Cantrell held a news conference on Tuesday (May 22) to level with the public about the city’s flood … Continue reading

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FYI in City Lab – The Case for the Flood Proof Lawn

Posted on by UC Admin

“For years, the sound of rain on the roof of their New Orleans home filled Becky Lloyd and Christopher Renz with dread. Sometimes they’d need to get up in the middle of the night to move their car to higher … Continue reading

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Mayoral candidates attend forum on flood risk and environmental change (WWL)

Posted on by Dana Eness

Inside of the New Orleans Jazz Market, eight out of the 18 mayoral candidates shared their ideas for the future of the city on September 14, 2017.  The mayoral forum specifically focused on the topic: Flood Risk and Adapting to … Continue reading

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Not in my front yard!

Posted on by Dana Eness

Reducing pavement could reduce your flood risk: Opinion “I doubt a campaign that says ‘Only YOU can prevent flooding’ would catch on in New Orleans. We know that massive feats of engineering are required to keep this city habitable. But … Continue reading

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Rain, Rain, Go Away

Posted on by Dana Eness

Infiltration Test We shot this video March 13, 2017, after a rainy weekend on a residential lot in Broadmoor that participated in the Front Yard Initiative. We tested the permeable  Truegrid driveway with help from Anthony Kendrick of Construction EcoServices. According to the results … Continue reading

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6 ways New Orleans residents can help fight street flooding

Posted on by UC Admin

The Urban Conservancy’s Front Yard Initiative gets a great mention! Removing excessive paving decreases street flooding by capturing water where it falls and increasing onsite permeability. 6 ways New Orleans residents can help fight street flooding

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